Japan Standard Time 4/22 13:00-13:30
European Time GMT+1 4/22 6:00-6:30 am
US Cal Time 4/21 21:00-21:30 pm
Presenter: Jeroen Domburg | Senior Software & Technical Marketing Manager, Espressif Shanghai
Bio: Jeroen Domburg is a Senior Software and Technical Marketing Manager at Espressif Systems. With more than 20 years of embedded experience, he is involved with both the software as well as the hardware design process of Espressifs SoCs.
Abstract: Espressif has recently launched the ESP32-C3, a SoC intended for IoT connectivity with WiFi and Bluetooth LE board. The launch of this chip also marks Espressifs first SoC with a RISC-V processor at its heart. This talk will discuss the SoC and our experience changing over to a RISC-V-based solution.