360 Registered for 9/30 RISC-V Day Tokyo 2019. RISC-V Foundation Set a Goal to Supersize 2020 Japan Event.

The RISC-V Day Tokyo 2019, held by the RISC-V Association on 9/30, attracted 360 registered attendees. The event was held at at the Baba Memorial Hall at Kokubunji Hitachi Central Laboratory. The number of attendees made this a largest RISC-V event in Japan up to today. Presentation materials will be uploaded on web: http://riscv.or.jp/riscv-day-tokyo-2019/. 15 companies and RISC-V Foundation made presentations and 11 companies conducted demonstrations. At its evening reception, Calista Redmond, RISC-V Foundation CEO, and Noriaki Fukuyasu, Linux Foundation Japan Country Manager spoke about 2020 onward. Redmond stated in 2020 we can contemplate having twice as large an event. This is an ambitious goal but maybe possible as Japanese corporates are starting to engage in RISC-V as was evidenced by its trade show and presentations.

AdaCore (France), Andes Technology (Taiwan), Codasip (Czech Republic), Fujisoft, Hitachi Ltd, IAR Systems (Sweden), Kyoto Microcomputer, NSI-TEXE, Rambus (USA), Toyota Motor Corporation, SiFive, Syntacore (Russia), Ubiquitous AI Corporation, ultraSoC (UK) and SHC sponsored this event.